Strategic Development
True Energy offers a formal project management process for the strategic development of an alternative energy policy.
We can develop a policy on your behalf or work with your own specialists preserving existing knowledge of your methodology while introducing both our own areas of expertise.
Business Case
Informal review and discussion covering:
- existing energy use
- your aim in addressing energy use
- our capabilities
- expected costs and savings.
Feasibility Study
Formal feasibility study providing a structured report that provides:
- analysis of existing energy use
- potential for change
- cost benefit analysis
Use the proposed strategy for energy management, implementation of savings and adoption of renewable energy alternatives to build a model defining the changes required and outlining the critical steps.
Implementation and Project Management
With a detailed strategy and implementation plan, we can provide all aspects of the project implementation process from project management through to the supply and installation of equipment along with training and preparation of documentation.
With the system installed and running , we are able to provide many levels of support. From energy purchasing through to care and maintenance ensuring your energy strategy remains on target and continues to provide the best and most appropriate mix of alternative and traditional energy inputs and outputs.