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Gordon Brown has anounced a major UK commitment to tackling climate change including a wide range of new initiatives for Industry and the Home Owner.

The initiatives that have been proposed include:

A green homes service. This will include:

  • a telephone hotline
  • a website
  • an advice centre

The aim being to have a single point of contact for people who want an effective green audit!

The green homes service will also provide advice on saving water, reducing waste, and other ways of being environmentally friendly!

The aim being "the biggest improvement in home energy efficiency in our history".

On a broader level, Gordon Brown anounced an intention to make Britain a "World leader in building a low carbon economy" which would lead to the creation of thousands of jobs in the UK in the renewable energy industry along with the expansion of Britain's renewable energy industries.

He introduced the Climate Change Bill which would put a statutory cap on carbon emissions leading to carbon budgets.

Other measures proposed included:

"binding emissions caps" for all developed countries.

Banning single use plastic bags.

See also:

bbc news - PM outlines climate action plan

Gordon Brown's speech in full

As we face rising sea levels, famine, disease and the loss of the most precious treasures of our planet, UN warns it is our last chance


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