Data originally collected by DECC as part of REPD (Renewable Energy Planning Database) / RESTATS.
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  By Planning Authority:
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Site Name: Arnish Moor     3.9 MW
Energy Type: Wind Onshore
County: Western Isles     Country: Scotland     LPA: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Council
Site ID and Reference: 3306 / S0030W3     District:
Applicant: Arnish Electric Ltd / Farm Energy     Application : (Go to search to find Application)
For Wind Farms  
Number of Turbines: 3 Turbine Capacity: 1.3
Height of Turbines: Calculated capacity: 3.9
Site Address: Nr Stornaway, Isle of Lewis
County: Western Isles Region: Scotland
OS Coordinates: 139155 / 139155
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: 6/1/2001 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date: 12/1/2006    
Generator Live 12/1/2006 This Record Last Updated: 2/2/2010
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

Caution: Please note that the location is taken directly from the DECC data. It is often based on the postcode so cannot be regarded as accurate. Postcodes used can be some miles, often the farm house location, from the project location. Go direct to Renewables Map Project data for Arnish Moor