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FOXHALL Energy from Waste Plant

FOXHALL (Waste , Active, Waste - Landfill Gas)

 General Information.

Location in the UK : England, Eastern England    
Type of installation: Waste    on/offshore: on
Turbines :0  Capacity : 1.175 MW
Approx Date of 1st power generation: June 1996




Foxhall Road, Ipswich, IP4 5TL

 Associated Companies.

Relationship Company (For: FOXHALL )
OwnerNovera Energy
OperatorNovera Energy
DeveloperRenewable Power Ltd

 DECC Data on this Project: FOXHALL :

Please note that where multiple DECC rcords are available, all are shown in order. eg Project then repowering / extension, or refused project then resubmitted.

Site Name: Foxhall Landfill Site     1.2 MW
Energy Type: Landfill Gas
County: Suffolk     Country: England     LPA: Suffolk Coastal District Council
Site ID and Reference: 526 / 01107L3     District:
Applicant: Renewable Power Generation Ltd     Application : (Go to search to find Application)
Site Address: Foxhall Road Landfill Site Brightwell Suffolk
County: Suffolk Region: Eastern
OS Coordinates: 623900 / 623900
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: 8/5/1994 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date:    
Generator Live 6/18/1996 This Record Last Updated: 12/9/2003
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

 OFGEM Data on this Project: FOXHALL: Waste :

Site Name: FOXHALL
Generator Type: Landfill gas (RO code = RJ)
Scheme : RO Generator ID: R00016RJEN
Capacity: 1001 Status: Live
Accreditation Date: 8/5/1994    
Commission Date: 6/1/1996    
Applicant: Novera Energy Generation No2 Ltd
Applicant Address: 1030 Centre Park Slutchers Lane Warrington WA1 1QL England
Address: Foxhall Foxhall Road Ipswich IP10 0BG England

Site Name: FOXHALL
Generator Type: Landfill Gas (REGO code = LG)
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G00095LGEN
Capacity: 1001 Status: Live
Accreditation Date: 8/5/1994    
Commission Date: 6/1/1996    
Applicant: Novera Energy Generation No2 Ltd
Applicant Address: 1030 Centre Park Slutchers Lane Warrington WA1 1QL England
Address: Foxhall Foxhall Road Ipswich IP10 0BG England
Assumptions: Capacity: 1001kW 1.001 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 720.72 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
01/03/2018 208 20.78% Issued
01/02/2018 214 21.38% Issued
01/01/2018 266 26.57% Issued
01/12/2017 312 31.17% Issued
01/11/2017 266 26.57% Issued
01/10/2017 194 19.38% Issued
01/09/2017 248 24.78% Issued
01/08/2017 206 20.58% Issued
01/07/2017 200 19.98% Issued
01/06/2017 197 19.68% Issued
01/05/2017 197 19.68% Issued
01/04/2017 227 22.68% Issued
01/03/2017 208 20.78% Issued
01/02/2017 186 18.58% Issued
01/01/2017 225 22.48% Redeemed
Dec-16 0234 237 23.68% Issued
Nov-16 0216 217 21.68% Issued
Oct-16 0226 226 22.58% Issued
Sep-16 0208 208 20.78% Issued
Aug-16 0219 219 21.88% Issued
Jul-16 0214 214 21.38% Issued
Jul-16 0214 214 21.38% Pending Tr
Jun-16 0215 215 21.48% Pending Tr
Jun-16 0215 215 21.48% Issued
May-16 0226 226 22.58% Issued
Apr-16 0216 216 21.58% Issued
Feb-16 0314 314 31.37% Redeemed
Jan-16 0260 260 25.97% Redeemed
Nov-15 0266 266 26.57% Redeemed
Oct-15 0332 332 33.17% Redeemed
Sep-15 0341 341 34.07% Redeemed
Aug-15 0266 268 26.77% Redeemed
Jul-15 278278 278 27.77% Redeemed
Jun-15 266266 266 26.57% Redeemed
May-15 239239 239 23.88% Redeemed
Apr-15 327327 327 32.67% Redeemed
Mar-15 319316 319 31.87% Redeemed
Feb-15 376376 376 37.56% Redeemed
Jan-15 415415 415 41.46% Redeemed
Dec-14 473472 472 47.15% Redeemed
Nov-14 416416 416 41.56% Redeemed
Oct-14 419419 419 41.86% Redeemed
Sep-14 362360 362 36.16% Redeemed
Aug-14 458458 458 45.75% Redeemed
Jul-14 411410 410 40.96% Redeemed
Jun-14 399399 399 39.86% Redeemed
May-14 437437 437 43.66% Redeemed
Apr-14 440441 441 44.06% Redeemed
Mar-14 517516 516 51.55% Redeemed
Feb-14 493494 494 49.35% Redeemed
Jan-14 527527 527 52.65% Redeemed
Dec-13 524524 524 52.35% Redeemed
Nov-13 550550 549 54.85% Redeemed
Oct-13 540540 540 53.95% Redeemed
Sep-13 568569 569 56.84% Redeemed
Aug-13 513508 512 51.15% Redeemed
Apr-13 285279 285 28.47% Redeemed
Mar-13 640640 640 63.94% Redeemed
Feb-13 499499 499 49.85% Redeemed
Jan-13 573573 573 57.24% Redeemed
Dec-12 650650 650 64.94% Redeemed
Nov-12 525522 524 52.35% Redeemed
Oct-12 523521 524 52.35% Redeemed
Sep-12 615615 615 61.44% Redeemed
Aug-12 588588 588 58.74% Redeemed
Jul-12 638638 638 63.74% Redeemed
Jun-12 611611 611 61.04% Redeemed
May-12 619619 619 61.84% Redeemed
Apr-12 577577 577 57.64% Redeemed
Mar-12 526523 526 52.55% Redeemed
Feb-12 147134 146 14.59% Redeemed
Jan-12 609609 609 60.84% Redeemed
Dec-11 632632 632 63.14% Redeemed
Nov-11 523520 523 52.25% Redeemed
Oct-11 600600 600 59.94% Redeemed
Sep-11 463458 463 46.25% Redeemed
Aug-11 389384 389 38.86% Redeemed
Jul-11 529526 529 52.85% Redeemed
Jun-11 2019 20 2.00% Redeemed
May-11 545542 545 54.45% Redeemed
Apr-11 404396 404 40.36% Redeemed
Mar-11 568568 568 56.74% Redeemed
Feb-11 6447 64 6.39% Redeemed
Jan-11 293283 293 29.27% Redeemed
Dec-10 505494 504 50.35% Redeemed
Nov-10 506504 507 50.65% Redeemed
Oct-10 499496 499 49.85% Redeemed

Project Info
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©2018 Simon Mallett
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