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Bretby Energy from Waste Plant

Bretby (Waste , Active, Waste - EFW)

 General Information.

Location in the UK : England, East Midlands    
Type of installation: Waste    on/offshore: on
Turbines :0  Capacity : 0.903 MW
Approx Date of 1st power generation:




Main Street, Newhall, Derbyshire, DE11 OTP

 Associated Companies.

Relationship Company (For: Bretby )
DeveloperNatural Power
OperatorNovera Energy

 DECC Data on this Project: Bretby :-na-

Please note that where multiple DECC rcords are available, all are shown in order. eg Project then repowering / extension, or refused project then resubmitted.

Site Name: Bretby Power     1.6 MW
Energy Type: Landfill Gas
County: Derbyshire     Country: England     LPA: South Derbyshire District Council
Site ID and Reference: 742 / 02053L5     District:
Applicant: Natural Power     Application : (Go to search to find Application)
Site Address: Newhall, Swadlincote, Derbyshire
County: Derbyshire Region: East Midlands
OS Coordinates: 428100 / 428100
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date:    
Generator Live 9/1/2001 This Record Last Updated: 7/20/2009
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

 OFGEM Data on this Project: Bretby: Waste : -na-

Project Info
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©2018 Simon Mallett
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