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Whitelee Wind Farm

Click here for Generation Forecast for wind farms based on Met office data

Whitelee Wind Farm (Wind , Active)

 General Information.

Location in the UK : Scotland, South of Glasgow    
Type of installation: Wind    on/offshore: on
Turbines :215  Capacity : 539 MW
Approx Date of 1st power generation: May 2009

Wind Turbines, Wind Farm, Renewable Energy, Green Power



ScottishPower Renewables has been given the go-ahead to add another 39 turbines bringing the wind farm's generating capacity up to 593 MW. In 2006 the Scottish Executive gave the go-ahead for 140 turbines at the site south of East Kilbride, with Scottish Power Renewables applying last April for permission to build an additional 36 turbines. The company now wants to expand the site even further and said it would submit an application for 45 more turbines, each with three blades and about 140m high, to Scottish ministers in spring or summer 2009. The site is situated southwest of Whitelee Windfarm, to the north of the Irvine Valley and north east of Kilmarnock. The expansion will see its generating capacity increase from 322MW to 539MW - enough to power about 300,000 homes. The growth will see 69 Alstom ECO 100 turbines added, each with a 3MW capacity - greater than the current 2MW models. Six ECO 74 turbines with 1.67 MW capacity each will also be added. Whitelee visitors centre open 7 days, 10am - 5pm, visitor centre number: 01416140851

 Turbine Make and Specs

Model: Siemens SWT 2.3 Start Speed: 4.5
Capacity: 2.3 Optimal Speed: 25
Rotor Diameter: 101 Stop Speed: 25
Hub Height 65   Avg for all turbines:67 Avg. Elevation: 285
Web Page:


Whitelee Windfarm Extension Lochgoin Fenwick Kilmarnock KA3 6EX Scotland

 Associated Companies.

Relationship Company (For: Whitelee )
ConsultantAECOM Limited
OperatorScottish Power Renewables
OwnerScottish Power Renewables
OperatorScottish Power Renewables
DeveloperScottish Power Renewables

 DECC Data on this Project: Whitelee :3489

Please note that where multiple DECC rcords are available, all are shown in order. eg Project then repowering / extension, or refused project then resubmitted.

Site Name: Whitelee Windfarm Extension Phase 3     12 MW
Energy Type: Wind Onshore
County: Strathclyde     Country: Scotland     LPA: Scottish Government (S36)
Site ID and Reference: 4232 / B0489     District:
Applicant: Scottish Power Renewables     Application : (Go to search to find Application)
For Wind Farms  
Number of Turbines: 5 Turbine Capacity: 2.2999999999999998
Height of Turbines: Calculated capacity: 11.5
Site Address: Eaglesham Moor, to the south of Glasgow
County: Strathclyde Region: Scotland
OS Coordinates: 256300 / 256300
Development Status: Appeal Refused
Application Submitted: 8/13/2012 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused: 10/19/2016
Construction Date:    
Generator Live This Record Last Updated: 11/1/2016
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged: 10/30/2014
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused: 10/19/2016
Granted: Appeal Granted: 10/19/2016

Site Name: Whitelee Windfarm Extension phase 2     109 MW
Energy Type: Wind Onshore
County: Strathclyde     Country: Scotland     LPA: Scottish Government (S36)
Site ID and Reference: 2757 / AA059     District:
Applicant: Scottish Power     Application : WHX/02/040/0162 (Go to search to find Application)
For Wind Farms  
Number of Turbines: 36 Turbine Capacity: 3
Height of Turbines: Calculated capacity: 108
Site Address: north of the Irvine Valley on Eaglesham Moor
County: Strathclyde Region: Scotland
OS Coordinates: 254220 / 254220
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: 5/29/2009 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date: 12/1/2010    
Generator Live 1/15/2013 This Record Last Updated: 4/19/2013
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

Site Name: Whitelee Windfarm Extension Phase 1     108 MW
Energy Type: Wind Onshore
County: Strathclyde     Country: Scotland     LPA: Scottish Government (S36)
Site ID and Reference: 3981 / EN00541     District:
Applicant: Scottish Power Renewables     Application : (Go to search to find Application)
For Wind Farms  
Number of Turbines: 36 Turbine Capacity: 3
Height of Turbines: Calculated capacity: 108
Site Address: Eaglesham Moor, to the south of Glasgow
County: Strathclyde Region: Scotland
OS Coordinates: 256300 / 256300
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: 4/1/2008 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date: 12/1/2010    
Generator Live 10/31/2012 This Record Last Updated: 4/22/2013
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

Site Name: Whitelee     322 MW
Energy Type: Wind Onshore
County: Strathclyde     Country: Scotland     LPA: Scottish Government (S36)
Site ID and Reference: 3489 / N00055W     District:
Applicant: CRE Energy/ Scottish Power     Application : 2002/0001/EB (Go to search to find Application)
For Wind Farms  
Number of Turbines: 140 Turbine Capacity: 2.2999999999999998
Height of Turbines: Calculated capacity: 322
Site Address: Eaglesham Moor, Whitelee Forest, Fenwick Moor, East Kilbride, South of Glasgow
County: Strathclyde Region: Scotland
OS Coordinates: 256800 / 256800
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: 1/23/2002 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date: 12/1/2006    
Generator Live 12/14/2007 This Record Last Updated: 5/20/2010
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

 OFGEM Data on this Project: Whitelee: Wind : G01750NWSC

Site Name: Whitelee Windfarm Extension
Generator Type: Wind
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G01750NWSC
Capacity: 217020 Status: Live
Accreditation Date: 1/23/2002    
Commission Date: 12/9/2011    
Applicant: ScottishPower Renewables (UK) Limited
Applicant Address: Arnott House 12-16 Bridge Street Belfast BT1 1LB Northern Ireland
Address: Whitelee Windfarm Extension Lochgoin Fenwick Kilmarnock KA3 6EX Scotland
Assumptions: Capacity: 217020kW 217.02 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 156254.4 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
01/03/2018 42185 19.44% Issued
01/02/2018 27377 12.61% Issued
01/01/2018 42949 19.79% Issued
01/12/2017 1418 0.65% Issued
01/12/2017 29186 13.45% Retired
01/11/2017 23548 10.85% Retired
01/10/2017 11722 5.40% Issued
01/10/2017 20595 9.49% Retired
01/09/2017 21018 9.68% Retired
01/08/2017 15326 7.06% Retired
01/07/2017 18555 8.55% Retired
01/06/2017 19327 8.91% Retired
01/05/2017 21665 9.98% Issued
01/04/2017 19082 8.79% Issued
01/03/2017 19005 8.76% Redeemed
01/02/2017 35651 16.43% Redeemed
01/01/2017 31307 14.43% Redeemed
Dec-16 041596 41596 19.17% Issued
Nov-16 021300 21410 9.87% Issued
Oct-16 018991 19094 8.80% Retired
Sep-16 026645 26645 12.28% Retired
Aug-16 020811 20917 9.64% Retired
Jul-16 019908 19908 9.17% Retired
Jun-16 011264 11361 5.24% Retired
Jun-16 011264 11361 5.24% Issued
May-16 026408 26408 12.17% Issued
Apr-16 020609 20731 9.55% Issued
Mar-16 022782 22782 10.50% Retired
Feb-16 020762 20762 9.57% Retired
Jan-16 033014 33014 15.21% Retired
Dec-15 043592 9131 4.21% Retired
Nov-15 038013 17535 8.08% Retired
Oct-15 021309 21309 9.82% Retired
Sep-15 013425 13549 6.24% Retired
Aug-15 021687 21687 9.99% Retired
Jul-15 1885318853 18853 8.69% Redeemed
Jun-15 2106721067 21067 9.71% Redeemed
May-15 37183 37183 17.13% Redeemed
Apr-15 2119921199 21199 9.77% Redeemed
Mar-15 48260 48260 22.24% Redeemed
Feb-15 32819 32819 15.12% Redeemed
Jan-15 51257 51257 23.62% Redeemed
Dec-14 38852 8852 4.08% Redeemed
Nov-14 2382123821 23821 10.98% Redeemed
Oct-14 34917 34917 16.09% Redeemed
Sep-14 1151111365 11511 5.30% Redeemed
Aug-14 2400724007 24007 11.06% Redeemed
Jul-14 1671216604 16713 7.70% Redeemed
Jun-14 81798021 8179 3.77% Redeemed
May-14 1901819017 19017 8.76% Redeemed
Apr-14 36263 36263 16.71% Redeemed
Mar-14 5488654885 54885 25.29% Redeemed
Feb-14 5688656886 56886 26.21% Redeemed
Jan-14 4204542045 42045 19.37% Redeemed
Dec-13 6657666576 66576 30.68% Redeemed
Nov-13 3411934119 34119 15.72% Redeemed
Oct-13 4082340823 40823 18.81% Redeemed
Sep-13 2362123621 23621 10.88% Redeemed
Aug-13 1387513674 13875 6.39% Redeemed
Jul-13 1076410655 10765 4.96% Redeemed
Jun-13 1663016510 16630 7.66% Redeemed
May-13 3677536775 36775 16.95% Redeemed
Apr-13 4285742857 42857 19.75% Redeemed
Mar-13 4351043510 43510 20.05% Expired
Feb-13 2275022750 22750 10.48% Expired
Jan-13 3928439284 39284 18.10% Redeemed
Dec-12 3520235201 35201 16.22% Redeemed
Nov-12 2520625206 25206 11.61% Redeemed
Oct-12 1200511931 12005 5.53% Redeemed
Sep-12 1545315453 15453 7.12% Redeemed
Aug-12 40954049 4096 1.89% Redeemed
Jul-12 400384 400 0.18% Redeemed
Jun-12 11 1 0.00% Redeemed
May-12 22 2 0.00% Redeemed
Apr-12 322320 322 0.15% Redeemed
Mar-12 324313 324 0.15% Expired
Feb-12 147143 148 0.07% Expired


Capacity: 1045.4
Start Speed: 5 m/s (11.185 mph)
Optimum Speed: 15 m/s (33.555 mph)
Stop Speed: 25 m/s (55.925 mph)

Local Weather Station:
Elevation of Weather Station:

Date for Wind forecast: 12/12/2024
Wind Speed at Weather Station: mph
Wind Direction:
Outputratio = 0.00
Output of Wind Farm = 0.0

Alternative Wind Speed: in mph Capacity: 1045.4 start: 5 Optimum: 15/ Stop: 25 / wind: / ratio 3139

Project Info
Wind farm hailed a national success story a decade after opening
WHITELEE wind farm, the largest onshore wind project in the UK, had been set up to significantly boost the number of homes in Scotland powered by renewable energy.

Fury after giant wind farm plan is passed by only four councillors
Permission was granted for 15 turbines of 427ft at Sneddon Law, near Moscow, Ayrshire. The area is already dominated by the 215-turbine WHITELEE development, the largest wind farm in Europe.

Scottish Power Whitlee Wind Farm

Wikipedia - WHITELEE

WHITELEE Extension Phase 2

©2018 Simon Mallett
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©2017 Simon Mallett
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Comparison of Calculated and Actual Wind Farm Output

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