- - - NO
Subscribers see an interactive map with
Cwm Dyli
and local projects displayed.
Subscribe for £100 to have full access to all
projects and details.
Subscribe for £500 to include full CSV or KML downloads of all
farm project data.
To create a login account see: User Registration. This will allow 20 page views each session rather than 5
One subscription covers your organisation / school / university / company . NOT just one user
(1) Register
below to get a login and access to 30 pages each session rather than limited to 5. |
(2) Subscribe to see all project data. eg Turbine Make and model, exact latitude / Longitude, cross reference to DECC and OFGEM data sets. , please check the subscription area. |
Your details will only be used for admin and access associated with renewables map.
I am in the process of registering under the Data Protection Act.
Registering to use all parts of Renewables Map
Due to the huge amount of data now available and the work involved in adding and maintaining Renewables Map is moving to subscription.
The 1st years fees are:
- £100 for unrestricted browsing access to Wind, the same for Solar and £60 for waste.
- Or £500 each for the above, £300 for waste which will include full access to csv downloads.
- Then £500 for the csv downloads for Wind turbine locations (over 11,000 turbine locations) .
The database is being continually updated with exact locations and status.
Logged on
Signing up will give you ( currently) a user name / password.
There is also a commitment from you that all data extracted from Renewables Map will be for internal use and not used to generate a publicly available resource that shows this data in a structured form. Should this be within your requirements, please talk to me.
Renewables map has become the main source of accurate information on renewable energy projects in the United Kingdom. It provides accurate location data for:
- Over 1,000 solar farms, active, agreed and planned. 900 Active
- Over 1,000 wind farms, 622 Active.
- Exact location data for over 11,000 Individual Wind Turbines, including
- make
- model
- elevation
- capacity
- hub height
- All mapped on any of Google, Bing or OS maps.
- Cross referenced to over 600 different developers, operators, owners, consultants, contractors
- Also cross referenced to DECC REPD datasets and OFGEM Datasets including ROC and REGO
- Selectable by county , developer, operator, make/model.
- Generation of csv downloads
- FIT data displayed on the map (OFGEM provide the raw data as a download)
- Larger Maps with data suitable for printing
- Ongoing updates
It is developing to include
Multiple select by just about all data
Data Downloads
Stored maps
Virtual Projects Mapped
Maintaining private data
Maintaining public data
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