And what is twelve plus eight : (in words)
Site Name: Ryemeads STW - A,D
Generator Type: Sewage gas (REGO code = SG)
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G00726SGEN
Capacity: 1480 Status: Live
Accreditation Date:    
Commission Date: 1/1/1995    
Applicant: Thames Water Utilities Ltd
Applicant Address: Clearwater Court Vastern Road Reading RG1 8DB England
Address: Ryemeads STW Rye RoadStanstead AbbottsHerts SG12 8JY England
Assumptions: Capacity: 1480kW 1.48 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 1065.6 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
Jul-16 0227 229 15.47% Issued
Jun-16 0695 701 47.36% Issued
Jun-16 0695 701 47.36% Issued
May-16 0824 830 56.08% Issued
Apr-16 0802 809 54.66% Issued
Mar-16 0841 847 57.23% Issued
Feb-16 0806 812 54.86% Issued
Jan-16 0797 803 54.26% Issued
Dec-15 0852 858 57.97% Issued
Nov-15 0771 777 52.50% Issued
Oct-15 0806 812 54.86% Issued
Sep-15 0751 757 51.15% Issued
Aug-15 0743 749 50.61% Issued
Jul-15 813813 819 55.34% Expired
Jun-15 844845 851 57.50% Expired
May-15 781781 786 53.11% Expired
Apr-15 735736 741 50.07% Expired
Mar-15 856856 861 58.18% Expired
Feb-15 681681 687 46.42% Expired
Jan-15 932931 938 63.38% Expired
Dec-14 754754 760 51.35% Expired
Nov-14 608608 613 41.42% Expired
Oct-14 695696 701 47.36% Expired
Sep-14 589589 594 40.14% Expired
Aug-14 703703 708 47.84% Expired
Jul-14 750750 755 51.01% Expired
Jun-14 830830 835 56.42% Expired
May-14 779779 785 53.04% Expired
Apr-14 718719 724 48.92% Expired
Mar-14 688688 693 46.82% Expired
Feb-14 618618 623 42.09% Expired
Jan-14 721721 727 49.12% Expired
Dec-13 715715 720 48.65% Expired
Nov-13 743743 749 50.61% Expired
Oct-13 787787 792 53.51% Expired
Sep-13 719718 723 48.85% Expired
Aug-13 700701 706 47.70% Expired
Jul-13 681680 686 46.35% Expired
Jun-13 733733 739 49.93% Expired
May-13 863863 869 58.72% Expired
Apr-13 882882 888 60.00% Expired
Mar-13 918918 924 62.43% Expired
Feb-13 778778 783 52.91% Expired
Jan-13 827827 834 56.35% Expired
Dec-12 746746 752 50.81% Expired
Nov-12 711711 716 48.38% Expired
Oct-12 643644 649 43.85% Expired
Sep-12 659658 664 44.86% Expired
Aug-12 712713 718 48.51% Expired
Jul-12 820819 826 55.81% Expired
Jun-12 756756 766 51.76% Expired
May-12 828828 839 56.69% Expired
Apr-12 837837 847 57.23% Expired
Mar-12 890890 901 60.88% Expired
Feb-12 572572 582 39.32% Expired
Jan-12 746746 757 51.15% Expired
Dec-11 860860 871 58.85% Expired
Nov-11 781781 791 53.45% Expired
Oct-11 635635 645 43.58% Expired
Sep-11 600600 610 41.22% Expired
Aug-11 607606 616 41.62% Expired
Jul-11 681682 692 46.76% Expired
Jun-11 773773 783 52.91% Expired
May-11 775775 786 53.11% Expired
Apr-11 760761 772 52.16% Expired
Mar-11 830830 841 56.82% Expired
Feb-11 617617 626 42.30% Expired
Jan-11 474474 484 32.70% Expired
Dec-10 606605 615 41.55% Expired
Nov-10 685685 695 46.96% Expired
Oct-10 393393 402 27.16% Expired


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