And what is twelve plus eight : (in words)
Site Name: Gowerton WWTW CHP (21/12/2007)- A
Generator Type: Sewage gas (REGO code = SG)
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G01142SGWA
Capacity: 210 Status: Live
Accreditation Date:    
Commission Date: 12/1/2007    
Applicant: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Applicant Address: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Ty Awen, Spooner Close Coedkernew Newport NP10 8FZ Wales
Address: Gowerton WWTW CHP (21/12/2007)- A Victoria RoadGowerton Swansea SA1 8QP Wales
Assumptions: Capacity: 210kW 0.21 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 151.2 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
May-11 55 5 2.38% Expired


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