And what is twelve plus eight : (in words)
Site Name: Leyland CHP at LL WWTW (1/09/2007) - A, D
Generator Type: Sewage gas (REGO code = SG)
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G01159SGEN
Capacity: 85 Status: Live
Accreditation Date:    
Commission Date: 9/1/2007    
Applicant: United Utilities Water plc
Applicant Address: United Utilities Renewable Energy Dept Thirlmere House Lingley Mere Great Sankey, Warrington WA5 3LP England
Address: Leyland CHP at LL WWTW (1/09/2007) - A, D Emnie Lane Leyland LancashireEngland PR26 8LH England
Assumptions: Capacity: 85kW 0.085 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 61.2 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
Jun-15 1816 18 21.18% Expired
May-15 3232 32 37.65% Expired
Apr-15 2928 29 34.12% Expired
Mar-15 4545 45 52.94% Expired
Feb-15 3433 33 38.82% Expired
Jan-15 4040 40 47.06% Expired
Dec-14 3333 33 38.82% Expired
Nov-14 2222 23 27.06% Expired
Oct-14 2928 29 34.12% Expired
Sep-14 3030 30 35.29% Expired
Aug-14 2727 27 31.76% Expired
Jul-14 3131 31 36.47% Expired
Jun-14 2626 26 30.59% Expired
May-14 2726 27 31.76% Expired
Apr-14 2424 25 29.41% Expired
Mar-14 2626 26 30.59% Expired
Feb-14 2120 21 24.71% Expired
Jan-14 2625 1 1.18% Expired
Dec-13 2625 26 30.59% Expired
Nov-13 1715 16 18.82% Expired
Oct-13 2525 26 30.59% Expired
Sep-13 2928 28 32.94% Expired
Aug-13 4445 45 52.94% Expired
Jul-13 4646 46 54.12% Expired
Jun-13 3736 37 43.53% Expired
May-13 4040 40 47.06% Expired
Apr-13 3333 33 38.82% Expired
Mar-13 2827 27 31.76% Expired
Feb-13 1716 17 20.00% Expired
Jan-13 2322 22 25.88% Expired
Dec-12 2222 23 27.06% Expired
Nov-12 3130 31 36.47% Expired
Oct-12 4445 45 52.94% Expired
Sep-12 4746 46 54.12% Expired
Aug-12 2524 25 29.41% Expired
Jul-12 2323 23 27.06% Expired
Jun-12 3535 36 42.35% Expired
May-12 3939 39 45.88% Expired
Apr-12 3535 35 41.18% Expired
Mar-12 2018 19 22.35% Expired
Feb-12 1919 19 22.35% Expired
Jan-12 3332 33 38.82% Expired
Dec-11 2322 23 27.06% Expired
Nov-11 3130 31 36.47% Expired
Oct-11 3636 36 42.35% Expired
Sep-11 3737 38 44.71% Expired
Aug-11 4140 40 47.06% Expired
Jul-11 4647 47 55.29% Expired
Jun-11 3434 34 40.00% Expired
May-11 2828 29 34.12% Expired
Apr-11 3131 31 36.47% Expired
Mar-11 2323 25 29.41% Expired
Feb-11 66 7 8.24% Expired
Jan-11 77 9 10.59% Expired
Dec-10 65 7 8.24% Expired
Nov-10 1414 15 17.65% Expired
Oct-10 2122 22 25.88% Expired
Sep-10 2928 29 34.12% Expired


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