And what is twelve plus eight : (in words)
Site Name: Bracknell STW CHP 2015
Generator Type: Sewage gas (REGO code = SG)
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G01327SGEN
Capacity: 582 Status: Live
Accreditation Date:    
Commission Date: 5/20/2016    
Applicant: Thames Water Utilities Ltd
Applicant Address: Clearwater Court Vastern Road Reading RG1 8DB England
Address: Thames Water Utilities Limited Bracknell STW Hazelwood Lane, Binfield Bracknell RG42 5NE England
Assumptions: Capacity: 582kW 0.582 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 419.04 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
01/03/2018 175 30.07% Issued
01/02/2018 210 36.08% Issued
01/01/2018 179 30.76% Issued
01/12/2017 202 34.71% Issued
01/11/2017 190 32.65% Issued
01/10/2017 178 30.58% Issued
01/09/2017 158 27.15% Issued
01/08/2017 163 28.01% Issued
01/07/2017 166 28.52% Issued
01/06/2017 114 19.59% Issued


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