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Pilsworth Energy from Waste Plant

Pilsworth (Waste , Active, Waste - Landfill Gas)

 General Information.

Location in the UK : England, BL9 7JL    
Type of installation: Waste    on/offshore: on
Turbines :0  Capacity : 7 MW
Approx Date of 1st power generation: October 1998



Viridor Waste Management has expanded its power generation capacity to 40 MW across its sites by extending its power plant in Heapbridge, Lancashire.


Moss Hall Road, Pilsworth, Bury, BL9 7JL

 Associated Companies.

Relationship Company (For: Pilsworth )

 DECC Data on this Project: Pilsworth :

Please note that where multiple DECC rcords are available, all are shown in order. eg Project then repowering / extension, or refused project then resubmitted.

Site Name: Pilsworth Quarry Landfill Scheme     4.1 MW
Energy Type: Landfill Gas
County: Greater Manchester     Country: England     LPA: Bury Metropolitan Borough Council
Site ID and Reference: 571 / 07006L4     District:
Applicant: Terry Adams Ltd     Application : (Go to search to find Application)
Site Address: Pilsworth Quarry,Pilsworth Road, Bury, Lancashire
County: Greater Manchester Region: North West
OS Coordinates: 383000 / 383000
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: 12/15/1997 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date:    
Generator Live 10/15/1998 This Record Last Updated: 12/10/2009
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

 OFGEM Data on this Project: Pilsworth: Waste :

Site Name: Pilsworth Phase II - A
Generator Type: Landfill Gas (REGO code = LG)
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G00494LGEN
Capacity: 4000 Status: Live
Accreditation Date: 12/15/1997    
Commission Date: 9/1/2002    
Applicant: Viridor Waste Disposal Ltd
Applicant Address: Viridor House Youngman Place Priory Bridge Road Taunton TA1 1AP England
Address: Pilsworth Phase II Pilsworth RoadPilsworthNear Bury Bury BL9 7JL England
Assumptions: Capacity: 4000kW 4 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 2880 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
01/03/2018 2442 61.05% Issued
01/02/2018 1922 48.05% Issued
01/01/2018 2095 52.38% Issued
01/12/2017 2185 54.63% Issued
01/11/2017 1903 47.58% Issued
01/10/2017 2095 52.38% Issued
01/09/2017 1842 46.05% Issued
01/08/2017 1723 43.08% Issued
01/07/2017 1411 35.28% Issued
01/06/2017 1236 30.90% Issued
01/05/2017 1178 29.45% Issued
01/04/2017 1626 40.65% Issued
01/03/2017 1944 48.60% Issued
01/02/2017 1785 44.63% Issued
01/01/2017 2351 58.78% Issued
Dec-16 02284 2284 57.10% Issued
Nov-16 01576 1576 39.40% Issued
Oct-16 01762 1762 44.05% Issued
Sep-16 01799 1799 44.98% Issued
Aug-16 01841 1841 46.03% Issued
Jul-16 01856 1856 46.40% Issued
Jun-16 01787 1787 44.68% Issued
May-16 01558 1558 38.95% Issued
Apr-16 01802 1802 45.05% Issued
Feb-16 01663 1665 41.63% Redeemed
Jan-16 02278 2279 56.98% Redeemed
Oct-15 02142 2142 53.55% Redeemed
Sep-15 02175 2175 54.38% Redeemed
Aug-15 02403 2403 60.08% Redeemed
Jul-15 24382438 2438 60.95% Redeemed
Jun-15 22072207 95 2.38% Redeemed
May-15 21852185 2187 54.68% Redeemed
Apr-15 23942294 100 2.50% Redeemed
Mar-15 26402640 2537 63.43% Redeemed
Feb-15 23612361 75 1.88% Expired
Jan-15 24142414 2342 58.55% Redeemed
Dec-14 24972497 89 2.23% Expired
Nov-14 24762476 2397 59.93% Redeemed
Oct-14 23572356 2283 57.08% Redeemed
Sep-14 24362436 2363 59.08% Redeemed
Aug-14 22582258 2178 54.45% Redeemed
Jul-14 19901990 81 2.03% Expired
Jun-14 17541754 1676 41.90% Redeemed
May-14 17211722 1721 43.03% Redeemed
Apr-14 15481547 1547 38.68% Redeemed
Mar-14 15041504 1504 37.60% Redeemed
Feb-14 15471547 1547 38.68% Redeemed
Jan-14 15671566 1566 39.15% Redeemed
Dec-13 17831783 1783 44.58% Redeemed
Nov-13 19411942 1941 48.53% Redeemed
Oct-13 22772277 2277 56.93% Redeemed
Sep-13 24142414 2413 60.33% Redeemed
Aug-13 21132114 2113 52.83% Redeemed
Jul-13 24452446 2445 61.13% Redeemed
Jun-13 25572557 2557 63.93% Redeemed
May-13 26532653 2653 66.33% Redeemed
Apr-13 24252425 2425 60.63% Redeemed
Mar-13 25732573 2573 64.33% Retired
Feb-13 22672268 2268 56.70% Redeemed
Jan-13 25572557 2557 63.93% Redeemed
Dec-12 27822782 2782 69.55% Redeemed
Nov-12 27772777 2777 69.43% Redeemed
Oct-12 28962897 2897 72.43% Redeemed
Sep-12 25752575 2575 64.38% Redeemed
Aug-12 28592859 2859 71.48% Redeemed
Jul-12 27512751 2751 68.78% Redeemed
Jun-12 28412841 2841 71.03% Redeemed
May-12 28972897 2897 72.43% Redeemed
Apr-12 28542854 2854 71.35% Redeemed
Mar-12 28302830 2830 70.75% Redeemed
Feb-12 23762377 2377 59.43% Redeemed
Jan-12 28382838 2838 70.95% Redeemed
Dec-11 27812781 2781 69.53% Redeemed
Nov-11 27142714 2714 67.85% Redeemed
Oct-11 28292828 2828 70.70% Redeemed
Sep-11 22822282 2282 57.05% Redeemed
Aug-11 25522552 2552 63.80% Redeemed
Jul-11 25122512 2512 62.80% Redeemed
Jun-11 25832583 2583 64.58% Redeemed
May-11 27162716 2716 67.90% Redeemed
Apr-11 26532653 2653 66.33% Redeemed
Mar-11 26152615 2615 65.38% Redeemed
Feb-11 23562355 2355 58.88% Redeemed
Jan-11 26862686 2686 67.15% Redeemed
Dec-10 28422842 2842 71.05% Redeemed
Nov-10 27072707 2707 67.68% Redeemed
Oct-10 25792579 2579 64.48% Redeemed

Project Info
©2018 Simon Mallett
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©2017 Simon Mallett
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