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Culmhead Solar Farm

Culmhead Solar Farm (Solar , Active)

 General Information.

Location in the UK : England, Churchstanton, Taunton, Somerset    
Type of installation: Solar    on/offshore: on
Solar Panels :23000  Capacity : 7 MW
Acreage:30   or approx Hectares : 12
Approx Date of 1st power generation: Jan 2014



aka Blackdown

(2013)The(12.5 hectares)field scale project at Culmhead Aerodrome has recently been granted planning permission, despite the twin challenges of being located in an AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), and close to a Scheduled Monument. Very few sites within AONBs are suitable for solar. Sensitive design and a high quality planning application were crucial to the success of the application.
Will provide a 25 year fund for social, economic and environmental benefits within the local community.


Former Culmhead Airfield, Culmhead, Churchstanton, Taunton, Somerset

 Associated Companies.

Relationship Company (For: Culmhead )
DeveloperBlackdown Solar Power Ltd
Land OwnerBlackdown Solar Power Ltd

 DECC Data on this Project: Culmhead :

Please note that where multiple DECC rcords are available, all are shown in order. eg Project then repowering / extension, or refused project then resubmitted.

Site Name: Culmhead Solar Farm     7.5 MW
Energy Type: Solar Photovoltaics
County: Somerset     Country: England     LPA: Taunton Deane Borough Council
Site ID and Reference: 1603 / AA945     District:
Applicant: Anesco     Application : 10/12/0024 (Go to search to find Application)
--- For Solar Farms / Parks ---
Mounting of panels: Ground
--- ----- ---- ---
Site Address: Former Culmhead Airfield, Culmhead, Churchstanton, Taunton,
County: Somerset Region: South West
OS Coordinates: 320819 / 320819
Development Status: Operational
Application Submitted: 9/11/2012 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date:    
Generator Live 1/26/2014 This Record Last Updated: 4/3/2014
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

Site Name: Culmhead Solar Farm     5 MW
Energy Type: Solar Photovoltaics
County: Somerset     Country: England     LPA: Taunton Deane Borough Council
Site ID and Reference: 1207 / C0132     District:
Applicant: Blackdown Solar Power     Application : 10/12/0009 (Go to search to find Application)
--- For Solar Farms / Parks ---
Mounting of panels: Ground
--- ----- ---- ---
Site Address: Former Culmhead Airfield, Culmhead, Churchstanton, Taunton,
County: Somerset Region: South West
OS Coordinates: 320746 / 320746
Development Status: Revised
Application Submitted: 4/17/2012 Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date:    
Generator Live This Record Last Updated: 12/10/2013
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn: 6/19/2012    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

 OFGEM Data on this Project: Culmhead: Solar :

Site Name: Blackdown
Generator Type: Photovoltaic
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G05181PVEN
Capacity: 7140 Status: Live
Accreditation Date: 4/17/2012    
Commission Date: 1/26/2014    
Applicant: Blackdown Solar Power Limited
Applicant Address: Anesco Ltd The Green, Easter Park READING RG7 2PQ England
Address: Trickey Warren Farm Trickey Warren Lane Culmhead TA3 7DY England
Assumptions: Capacity: 7140kW 7.14 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 5140.8 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
01/04/2018 692 9.69% Issued
01/03/2018 459 6.43% Issued
01/02/2018 482 6.75% Issued
01/01/2018 170 2.38% Issued
01/12/2017 149 2.09% Issued
01/11/2017 234 3.28% Issued
01/10/2017 440 6.16% Issued
01/09/2017 616 8.63% Issued
01/08/2017 836 11.71% Issued
01/07/2017 906 12.69% Issued
01/06/2017 923 12.93% Issued
01/05/2017 985 13.80% Issued
01/04/2017 925 12.96% Issued
01/03/2017 551 7.72% Redeemed
01/02/2017 248 3.47% Redeemed
01/01/2017 217 3.04% Redeemed
Dec-16 0224 145 2.03% Issued
Nov-16 0325 208 2.91% Issued
Oct-16 0780 492 6.89% Issued
Sep-16 0918 577 8.08% Issued
Aug-16 01486 929 13.01% Issued
Jul-16 01475 922 12.91% Issued
Jun-16 01260 787 11.02% Issued
Apr-16 01444 903 12.65% Issued
Dec-15 0152 102 1.43% Redeemed
Nov-15 0229 148 2.07% Redeemed
Oct-15 0700 443 6.20% Redeemed
Sep-15 01273 800 11.20% Redeemed
Aug-15 01154 725 10.15% Redeemed
Jul-15 9321492 933 13.07% Redeemed
Jun-15 11741879 1174 16.44% Redeemed
May-15 9591534 959 13.43% Redeemed
Apr-15 10941750 1094 15.32% Redeemed
Mar-15 612970 612 8.57% Redeemed
Feb-15 363572 363 5.08% Redeemed
Jan-15 220348 220 3.08% Redeemed
Dec-14 200308 200 2.80% Redeemed
Nov-14 210326 210 2.94% Redeemed
Oct-14 432682 432 6.05% Redeemed
Sep-14 7271156 727 10.18% Redeemed
Aug-14 8931429 893 12.51% Redeemed
Jul-14 11671862 1170 16.39% Redeemed
Jun-14 11121779 1112 15.57% Redeemed
May-14 8751394 879 12.31% Redeemed
Apr-14 6381016 638 8.94% Redeemed
Mar-14 6571043 656 9.19% Redeemed
Feb-14 398628 399 5.59% Redeemed
Jan-14 2843 28 0.39% Redeemed

Project Info
CULMHEAD Aerodrome has been granted planning permission blackdown

Planning Application blackdown CULMHEAD

Turbines planned for CULMHEAD
Dec 2013. A PLANNING application has been submitted to Taunton Deane Council for two 11kw wind turbines, with a tip height of nearly 25 metres, on agricultural land at Leigh Hill Farm, CULMHEAD (aka Blackdown).

April 21, 2012 - A planning application for a 5 Mega Watt solar array, CULMHEAD
CULMHEAD Renewable Energy /Blackdown Solar Power Ltd (set up specifically to make this application?). Mr Beath,Director of both companies, and of a third company, called CULMHEAD Wind Power which has not yet undertaken any activities at CULMHEAD.

October 19, 2012 - CULMHEAD 5MW Solar Array Approved by Taunton Deane BC
despite objections from local residents and the Blackdown Hills AONB Partnership. It seems that TDBC consider a 5MW powerstation covering 50 acres, in an AONB [suitable] etc

©2018 Simon Mallett
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©2017 Simon Mallett
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