Interactive Map of Renewable and Alternative Energy Projects in the UK

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 Major Renewable Energy Projects in the UK      Working with lots of data - Please be patient
Currently showing: generating; Both on and offshore For All UK
Total Capacity shown in MW = 2985.0636    Total Installations shown = 45
Last update on site = 11/22/2024

(shows latitude / Longitude and zoom level)

Other maps:

The above Energy Map but using the Ordnance Survey Mapping (This is a trial)

Round one and two wind farm - crown estates
Geoco - Locate by Latitude and Longitude
British Wind Energy - wind speed map
UK Windfarm Record by site map of renewable energy projects to 2004
pv projects in the UK
Map of Solar Energy in Europe (JRC European Commission)
Atlas of UK Marine Renewable Energy Resources
Map of Solar Energy in Europe (JRC European Commission)
European Wind Farm Map - Printed version


The Details from above map as list Entries

Wind Farms | Hydro Schemes | Biomass | Waste | CHP | Wave & Tidal | Solar |    


Convert OS Grid Ref to Latitude / Longitude
Onshore Windfarms in Scotland (2012) pdf


Click here for more links and resources

Please note that  the more options selected the slower will be the map update
Active Wind Turbine
Wind Turbine being built
Planned Wind Turbine
Active CHP
CHP approved or being built
Planned / proposed CHP
Active Biomass
Biomass being built
Planned/ proposed Biomass
Active Hydro Scheme
Hydro Scheme being built
Proposed / Plannded Hydro Scheme
Active Waste Scheme
Waste Scheme being built
Proposed / Plannded Waste Scheme

Waste includes landfill gas and incineration

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