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Generate a CSV or KML Listing
(1) Select by: First stage is to enter the details of how you wish to "select by". Simply what restrictions you want to place on your listing so you only list the projects that are relevant to you.
For example, if you want to see all active solar farms in Cornwall, ensure that Solar is ticked, use the county drop down to select cornwall and tick the Live button
This will define which projects are listed, you now need to confirm what elements of those projects are displayed
(2) Show: The second part of the process is where you define what is included for display with each project.
Simply tick each display entry and these make up the contents of the csv or kml record that is generated. So, for a simple listing of all projects by name and capacity, tick Project Name and Capacity from the RM (Renewables Map) column.
(3) Generate:Now that you have selected which projects you want to see and what elements, click on the type of data download needed. Generate CSV or KML. The csv will create a comma seperated variable file that can be loaded directly into such as a spreadsheet, the KML will generate a "Keyhole Markup Language" dataset that can be used directly in a GIS system such as Google Earth. The file is generated server side, or "In the cloud" waiting to be downloaded. You will see a summary of the 1st 5 records. Regenerate this list - changing what is to be downloaded - until you are happy that it matches your requirements
(4) Download:With the summary listing showing your requirements, the full list can be downloaded (subscribers only). Depending on your browser and the way the downloads are handled, clicking on a csv download will most likely automatically open your spreadsheet, clicking on the KML will open Google Earth and show projects.
For non subscribers, only the first 5 entries will be available for download.
For the
Please Note: The information and cross referencing that can be generated using this or other routines within Renewables Map is for internal use only .
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CSV & KML Downloads based on Renewables Map data cross referenced to DECC and OFGEM