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Interactive Map of Renewable Energy in the UK

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wind farm map

Wind Farms solar farm Solar Power

hydro power plants

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Wave & Tidal Energy
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Capacity Factor, comparing wind turbines

Major Wind / Solar / Hydro etc: 55,769.23 MW

FIT Capacity, Feed in Tariffs:

Live Wind Farm Actual and Forecast Output Graph

   Renewables by County:

Other Renewable Energy Resources

    Energy from Feed in Tariff OFGEM : Feed in Tariff map

Download of OFGEM Data. (Original Data as a downloadable csv etc can be found on the OFGEM website

    OFGEM RO and REGO data  By Technology: (Maximum of 1,000 lines shown)

    restats repd Renewable energy statistics reneable energy project data REPD / RESTATS Data.
(Original Data REPD (Renewable Energy Planning Database / RESTATS) as a spreadsheet can be found on the website)
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and Planning Authority:
(Maximum of 1,000 lines shown)


Who's used Renewables Map this last 7 days
Bridgend College
Cardiff University
Heriot-Watt University
Historic Scotland
Imperial College London
Lancaster University
Queens University Belfast
RM Education Ltd
South Tyneside Adult & Community Learning
South West Grid for Learning Trust Ltd.
St Georges, University of London
Swansea University
The Bloomsbury Computing Consortium
The Edinburgh University
The Nottingham Trent University
The University of Birmingham
The University of Manchester
The University of Nottingham
The University of Plymouth
University of Dundee
University of Leeds
University of Surrey
University of the West of England, Bristol
Energy Industry:
DONG Energy (UK) Ltd.
SSE Telecom low end network
Wind Farm Energy UK Ltd
Local & National Govt:
Carmarthenshire County Council 2
Clackmannanshire Council
Kent County Council
BNP Paribas
R J Mcleod Contractors Ltd
Beijing Qihu Technology Company Limited
CharityShare Limited
Facebook Ireland Ltd
Opal Telecom DSL
Pricewaterhouse Coopers Services Ltd
Societe Internationale SITA


Compare the effectivenesss of wind turbines based on the capacity factor of the project.

Use Capacity Factor Comparison to see how wind turbines compare in the real world over many years, month by month. All wind turbines are clearly not the same.

Renewables Map is possibly the only resource that links wind turbine make and model directly to capacity factor for all projects over 500kW.

NB. The Donate is a thank you, not a subscription. A thank you is really appreciated and will help pay for server costs.

Renewable Energy Project Totals and Capacity

Renewable Energy Totals (major Projects) All renewable energy Hydro Waste Wind Solar
projects Capacity Projects Capacity Projects Capacity Projects Capacity Turbines Projects Capacity
Active: 3540 55769 184 4380 381 1881 1188 34501 12422 1236 9154
Agreed / Building: 336 24282 7 19 28 610 113 13249 1244 126 2523
Proposed: 704 39007 48 1220 57 514 301 17356 2357 199 3785
Total potential 4580 119058 239 5620 466 3006 1602 65107 16023 1561 15464
Refused below only shows a limited sample of refused schemes        
Refused: 238 7603 0 0 7 155 175 6681 511 49 685
Total Sites Listed 4818 126661 239 5620 473 3162 1777 71788 16534 1610 16149
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Current News Listing
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How many more wind turbines will the UK build?
The government says it wants to generate enough wind energy to be able to power every home in the UK by 2030.
Wind is main source of UK electricity for first time
Wind turbines have generated more electricity than gas for the first time in the UK. In the first three months of this year a third of the country's electricity came from wind farms, research from Imperial College London has shown.
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Hornsea Two is located 89km off the Yorkshire coast, adjacent to sister project Hornsea 1. The 1.3GW project comprises 165 wind turbines, which will help power over 1.4 million UK homes with low-cost renewable energy
Hornsea Projects Learn more about four offshore wind farm sites off the UK's Eas
The Hornsea Projects are four record-breaking offshore wind farms which Ørsted are operating, constructing and developing off the East Coast in the North Sea.

©2018 Simon Mallett

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List of solar farms in the United Kingdom
Wind farms amd turbines in the United Kingdom
Energy from waste projects in the United Kingdom
Hydro projects in the United Kingdom
Wave and Tidal projects in the United Kingdom